OneSearch and Search Tips: What's New with OneSearch
Differences in Searching OneSearch from Everything
OneSearch includes both online and physical materials of all different types held by UB Libraries as well as physical catalog materials from across SUNY Libraries. This page describes the ways you can search within specific areas of OneSearch or outside of OneSearch.
To search the Catalog (only) in OneSearch (previously Everything Catalog tab), select UB Libraries Catalog only:
To search Journals in OneSearch (previously Everything Journals tab), select Journals under the search bar:
In the same way, search for Articles or Newspaper Articles by selecting that option under the search bar.
Looking for other type of materials? Additional options are available under Advanced Search:
To search for all owned and subscribed UB Libraries online and physical materials (previously known as Everything UB), filter your results to "Available Online" or "Held in UB Libraries":
To include CUNY and WorldCat results from libraries across New York State and around the world in your OneSearch results (previously Everything UB + SUNY + WorldCat), select OneSearch + WorldCat:
To focus your search on additional titles that may be requested from other libraries, select "Try My Search in .. WorldCat" from search results:
Use "Try My Search in ..." to view additional materials that match your search terms within UB's Digital Collections, Research Guides, and Institutional Repository, as well.
What is different in OneSearch than Everything Search?
You should be able to perform all the same searches in OneSearch as you could in Everything Search. We have simplified some of the search options and included access to more resources. If you were accustomed to using a particular tab or scope in Everything Search that you don't see in OneSearch, check Searching Different Areas in OneSearch.
If you need to see saved records, searches or favorites from Everything Catalog or Everything Journals, you can login and retrieve them at these links:
Please be aware that these Everything links are outdated and will be removed -- all Catalog and Journals tab links must be revised to OneSearch!
Be sure that any records or searches you want to save are now in OneSearch!
Need help with OneSearch?
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Newest Enhancements
- New Links between People and their WorksOneSearch now includes information about authors and other contributors from Library of Congress and Wikidata, linking between info pages and records and searches in OneSearch.
- Save Your Preferred Sort OptionAfter you run a search, you can change the "sort by" option to reflect your preference for viewing search results. For instance, if you like to see your results by recent publication, select "Date-newest". It will stay this way until you change it. Be sure you are logged in to make sure your preference is saved between sessions, too.
- Export Top ~5,000 ResultsIf you've been waiting for a way to export a greater number of records or search results, here it is! Now you can export batches of around 5,000 at one time. (added August 2024)
- Use OneSearch to Browse Journal TitlesIf you've been looking for the Journals A-Z list, did you know that you can replicate the list with OneSearch? Go to the search box in this Guide's FAQ, or try it yourself in Advanced Search > Title Begins With for Material Type = Journals.