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Archival Processing Documentation: Accessions

Guide for UB Special Collections covering accessions, processing, description, and care of collection material.
Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 11:28 AM

Title Required
Identifier Required
Accession Date Required
Publish Do not publish
Content Description Required
Condition Description Optional
Disposition Optional
Inventory Optional
Provenance Required
Retention Rule Not used
General Note Optional
Acquisition Type Required
Resource Type Required if linking
Access Restrictions Required if applicable
Use Restrictions Required if applicable
Dates Required
Extent Required
Agents Required
Subjects Preferred
Related Resources Required if applicable
Related Accessions Required if applicable
External Documents Not used
Rights Statements Required if applicable
Instances Required if storing off-site
Collection Management Required
Classifications Required if applicable
Title for the unit being described (i.e. collection, series, item) in two segments: Name unit + type of material.

Supply a name unit for the collection (creator, collector, or subject). The proper form of this name is derived from the preferred name used in the collection. Second part represents the types of materials being described. See Basic Information: Title in Resource Records for more details.

For additions or accruals, title the unit accordingly, i.e. "Additions to the Department of Chemistry records."

Note: The name unit of the title is always capitalized, i.e. Ted Berrigan notebooks, Mathematics Department records
The resource identifier is the accession number.  If no accession number can be identified, use the collection number and explain under “Provenance.”

University Archives numbers are constructed in two parts: year and number of accession (three digits), i.e. 2015-007

Poetry Collection numbers are constructed in 3 parts: year, repository abbreviation, and number of accession (use three digits), i.e. 2015-PCMS-007

For born digital materials, use "BD" suffix, i.e. 2015-007-BD or 2015-PCMS-007-BD

Each part of the identifier is entered in its own box without dashes or slashes.

Determining a New Accession Number for University Archives
Accession Date
The date the collection was acquired or transferred to the repository. Use yyyy-mm-dd. If no accession date can be identified, use the date you are constructing the record and explain under “Provenance.”
Do not publish accession records.
Content Description
Label: Scope and Contents

Include a brief description of the materials.
Condition Description
List an conservation issues, dimensions, A/V materials, etc.
Identify major separations or re-assignments from collection upon accession. Example: “Three books removed from collection and added to Rare Books: [list titles]."
Arrangement, box list, survey, or link to an external inventory document.  This can be a lengthy inventory or a brief statement as the arrangement of materials.


Box list at Y:\ArchDev\FA MS\MS 1-10\MS01.doc
Collection is roughly arranged in 3 series: correspondence, research, and photos.

  • Box 1 Correspondence, 1900-1950
  • Box 2 Photographs, 1910-1950
  • Box 3 etc.
Note how the collection was accessioned and from whom. If accession record has an imposed identifier and date (because accession is unknown), state so here.


The Thomas D. Perry papers, 1957-1982, were given to the University Archives by his wife, Patricia Perry, in two accessions: #82-081 was received October 5, 1982, and accession #85-037 was received May 3, 1985.
Date of accession for the Thomas D. Perry papers is unknown.

General Note
Record information here that does not have an allocated field, in particular:
  • Collection Impact Statement
  • Purchase amount
  • Location
Acquisition Type & Resource Type
Select the appropriate type from the pull-down list.
Access Restrictions
Check this box if there any restricted or closed materials in the collection.  If this box is checked, describe the nature of the restriction in Access Restriction Note.

If restricted material is known, list location (box #), clearly mark material as such, and include restriction on any existing inventory.  Use UA Restricted Records Policy and applicable timetables to explain the nature of the restriction.  Include restrictions and restriction start/end dates in Rights Statements.

Collection has been assessed by archivist for restricted material.

No restricted material assessment has been made.

Donor has [has not] declared restricted material is [is not] present.

Box 3 Tenure records, 1970-1972 (5 folders), are closed until 75 years after the date of creation according to University access policies.

Restricted for 20 years from the date of accession into the University Archives, according to University access policies.  Files may be accessed prior to that time only if the office of origin consents to disclosure.
Note: This field does not self-populate in a resource record that is spawned from an accession record. This information must be entered manually in a Terms of Access and Use note.
Dates and Extents of Materials
See Dates and Extents on Resource Records page.
Agents and Subjects
At minimum, add repository and creator. See Controlled Access for details.
Link any existing related finding aids.
Use if multiple accessions exist for a discrete collection, particularly for hybrid (print/analog and born digital) collections.
Rights Statements
Restricted material:
  • Rights type = Other
  • Other Rights Basis = Policy (if institutional policy applies) or Donor (if donor applied restriction in deed of gift) Include restriction start and end dates.
Intellectual property:

Use for statement of copyright, retention by donor or transferred to repository.

Used only if creating barcoded top containers to be moved off-site before processing.
Collection Management
Priority: Set to Medium unless determined to be High

Rights Determined: Check once deed of gift is returned

Processing Status: Set as New for new accessions or In Progress if moving directly to processing. When processing is complete, set as Completed.

Other fields are optional and are generally used for planning large-scale processing or grant-funded work.