Archival Processing Documentation: Containers
A container instance in ArchivesSpace tells the user where an item or group of items is located. Often, an instance consists of more than one part, i.e. box 6, folder 2.
A top container is the highest container in the hierarchy; for the most part, this will be a carton or manuscript box, but it may also be a map case drawer. A top container is assigned a unique ID and barcode. Folders can be top containers if the entire collection is housed in a folder.
Instances must be assigned at the collection level and may be assigned within the component. For example, if a series, i.e. Correspondence, is described at the series level with no folder-level description, instances will be assigned to the series. If there is folder-level description, i.e. Letters from students, instances are assigned at that level.
Click “create and link to top container.” You can then add folders if necessary, and repeat until you’ve assigned all of the instances for the component you are describing.
This separation of parent/child for box and folder replaces the “box-folder” designation used in older EAD finding aids. For example, box-folder 2.5 would be separated out into Box 2, Folder 5.
Display of instance/top container information on public user interface:
Collection Type |
Container Type |
Accession Order |
Find Existing TC | Identifier |
Multiple discrete collections stored in a shared manuscript box with consecutive accession numbers (ex. MS 248, MS 249, MS 250). Mainly for collections consisting of 1 enclosure. |
Manuscript box |
Yes | No. Used when processing several small collections of consecutive accessions. |
1, 2, etc. representing order in box across collections Example: Barcode 39072038465021 |
Multiple partial collections stored in a shared manuscript box (i.e. folders from multiple collections in one box)
Mainly for collections consisting of 1 enclosure. |
Manuscript box |
N/A | Yes |
UAMS 1, 2, 3... Example: Barcode 39072039447481 |
Multiple discrete OR partial collections stored in a shared oversize box. Mainly to store efficiently by size across collections. |
Oversize box | N/A | Yes |
UAOS 1, 2, 3... |
Multiple discrete OR partial collections stored in a shared map drawer. Mainly to store efficiently by size across collections. |
Map case drawer | N/A | Yes. Search or scan barcode for map case drawer | Child = Folder Child Indicator = 1, 2, 3...IN COLLECTION |
If folder numbers are not important, a quick fix for the legacy data is to merge all box-folder instances that belong to a single box (i.e., box-folder 2.1, box-folder 2.2, box-folder 2.3) into any existing appropriate top container (Box 2) or the first instance (box-folder 2.1).