Archival Processing Documentation: Collection Management
Guide for UB Special Collections covering accessions, processing, description, and care of collection material.
Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 11:28 AM
Custody Transfers
- From the origination repository, transfer resource record from origination repository to destination repository. This automatically creates a Custody Transfer event for the resource record in the destination repository.
- Log in to the destination repository.
- Change resource identifier (collection number) to align with destination repository's naming conventions.
- Update any text that includes the identifier and/or repository (i.e., Preferred Citation note, Related Materials note.)
- Update repository agent.
- Add a Custodial History note to resource record documenting the transfer.
- Update or remove the EAD ID.
- Add a Revision Statement documenting changes to finding aid.
- Create a Custody Transfer event. This event will remain in the origination repository to document the transfer.
- Agents: Authorizer = origination (i.e. Hope)
- Recipient = destination rep (i.e. Keith)
- Add a deaccesion note to origination repository's accession record
- Spawn a duplicate accession record and modify the identifier (accession number) to avoid conflict with original.
- Transfer duplicate accession record to destination repository. This automatically creates a Custody Transfer event for the accession record in the destination repository.
- Log in to destination repository.
- In the transferred duplicate accession record:
- Update agent links (Repository).
- Add a Provenance note documenting transfer.
- Link to resource record.
Custody Transfer: Resource Record
Step 1: Transfer resource record.

Steps 2-3: Log into destination repository and update collection number.

Step 4: Update text where old information appears, i.e. Preferred Citation.

Steps 5-6: Update repository agent; add a Custodial History note

Steps 7-8: Update EAD ID; add a Revision Statement.

Custody Transfer: Accession Record
Step 1: Create a Custody Transfer event.

Step 1: Create a Custody Transfer event.

Step 2: Add a deaccesion note to origination repository's accession record.

Step 3: Spawn a duplicate accession record & transfer to destination repository.

Steps 4-6: In the transferred duplicate accession record, update agents, add Provenance note, and link to resource record.