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Archival Processing Documentation: Collection Management

Guide for UB Special Collections covering accessions, processing, description, and care of collection material.
Last Updated: Feb 3, 2025 11:28 AM

Custody Transfers
  1. From the origination repository, transfer resource record from origination repository to destination repository. This automatically creates a Custody Transfer event for the resource record in the destination repository.
  2. Log in to the destination repository.
  3. Change resource identifier (collection number) to align with destination repository's naming conventions.
  4. Update any text that includes the identifier and/or repository  (i.e., Preferred Citation note, Related Materials note.)
  5. Update repository agent.
  6. Add a Custodial History note to resource record documenting the transfer.
  7. Update or remove the EAD ID.
  8. Add a Revision Statement documenting changes to finding aid.
  1. Create a Custody Transfer event. This event will remain in the origination repository to document the transfer.
    • Agents: Authorizer = origination (i.e. Hope)
    • Recipient = destination rep (i.e. Keith)
  2. Add a deaccesion note to origination repository's accession record
  3. Spawn a duplicate accession record and modify the identifier (accession number) to avoid conflict with original.
  4. Transfer duplicate accession record to destination repository. This automatically creates a Custody Transfer event for the accession record in the destination repository.
  5. Log in to destination repository.
  6. In the transferred duplicate accession record:
    • Update agent links (Repository).
    • Add a Provenance note documenting transfer.
    • Link to resource record.

Custody Transfer: Resource Record

Step 1: Transfer resource record.

Steps 2-3: Log into destination repository and update collection number.

Step 4: Update text where old information appears, i.e. Preferred Citation.

Steps 5-6: Update repository agent; add a Custodial History note

Steps 7-8: Update EAD ID; add a Revision Statement.

Custody Transfer: Accession Record

Step 1: Create a Custody Transfer event.

Step 1: Create a Custody Transfer event.

Step 2: Add a deaccesion note to origination repository's accession record.

Step 3: Spawn a duplicate accession record & transfer to destination repository.

Steps 4-6: In the transferred duplicate accession record, update agents, add Provenance note, and link to resource record.