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Golden Reunion: 1973/74

Last Updated: May 30, 2024 9:51 AM

First Classes

Students crowd into a lecture hall in the newly opened O'Brian Hall.  Seats and tables have not been installed yet, so the students are sitting on the tiered floor.

Image ID: PA_4720_2

The Fall 1973 semester saw the first classes held in on the North Campus in the newly opened O'Brian Hall.  The installation of seats and tables had been delayed, so students had to sit on the tiered floor.  

Department of Black Studies

Students in a class offered by the Black Studies Program are sitting at desks listening to a professor lecture.

Image ID: PA_3597_1A

In June 1973, the Black Studies Program received departmental status.  The Department of Black Studies lives on today as part of the Department of Africana and American Studies.

Class of 1924's Golden Reunion

Graduates of the Class of 1924 stand for a group photo.

Image ID: PA_4955_3

Annual Tuition

  Undergraduate Graduate
1924 All undergraduates: $100.00 ($1803.61*) Unknown

NYS Residents: $800.00 ($5004.74*)

Out of State: $1300.00 ($8132.70*)

NYS Residents:$600.00 ($3753.55*)

Out of State: $750.00 ($4691.94*)


NYS Residents: $7070.00

Out of State: $26,860.00

NYS Residents: $11,310.00

Out of State: $24,260.00

*Adjusted for Inflation

All for a Good Cause

President Robert L. Ketter is wearing his academic robes.  He is smiling as he hits Student Association  President Jonathan Dandes in the face with a pie.

Image ID: RG3-11-1190_1_0_001

On October 2, 1973, President Robert L. Ketter and Student Association President Jonathan Dandes participated in a pie fight to support the annual United Way fundraising campaign.  The fight took place near the fountain outside Norton Union and participants were charged a nominal fee.  Though Ketter scored the first hit, Dandes gave as good as he got.

A close up of President Robert Ketter and Student Association President Jonathan Dandes covered in whipped cream.

Image ID: RG9-9-00-3_24_20_1973_p4_1

Ivy Unplanting Day

A member of the UB groundskeeping crew is tying a bundle of Ivy roots to the fender of his truck  in order to tear it from the side of a campus buildingImage ID: PA_4682_30A

For many years beginning in the 1920s, Ivy Day was part of the year-end celebrations at UB where selected students would plant Ivy at the base of campus buildings.  In 1973, it was decided that the Ivy was damaging the buildings' facades, so groundskeepers began removing it.

The Search for Spock?

Leonard Nimoy speaking in the Moot Courtroom of O'Brian Hall on November 30, 1973.  He is holding up both hands and giving the Vulcan greeting made famous in the original Star Trek TV show.

Image ID: SP_3_6_001

On November 30, 1973, Leonard Nimoy spoke to an overflow crowd in O'Brian Hall's Moot Courtroom though the Spectrum event calendar listed Clark Gym as the venue.  .  

Home Opener: UB defeated Scranton 15-1

A baseball player is at home plate swinging at a ball.

Image ID: PA_4934_29A


Baseball 26-12-1
Basketball 5-20
Cross Country 6-11
Fencing 8-5
Hockey 18-11-1
Soccer 5-5-2
Wrestling 22-1

*The records for other men's sports and all women's sports were not found in the University Archives

On Campus

Two students standing and talking on the grass on the South Campus.  Other students are walking down sidewalks near academic buildings

Image ID: PA_4721_16

Ruckelshaus Speaks at Norton Union

Former Assistant Attorney William Ruckelshaus is standing at a podium outside Norton Union (now Squire Hall)

Image ID: SP_4_1_001

On November 5, 1973, former Assistant Attorney General William Ruckelshaus spoke before a crowd of approximately 1,000 students outside Norton Union.  Ruckelshaus and Attorney General Elliot Richardson resigned on October 20, when President Nixon ordered the firing of the special prosecutor investigating Watergate.

Guns for UB Security?

Students crowded into President Robert L. Ketter's office.  The are participating in a sit-in, protesting the arming of campus security officers.

Image ID: RG9-9-00-3_24_20_1973_p1 (1)

On October 3, 1973, more than 40 students staged a sit-in of President Ketter's office, protesting against the arming of campus security officers.  The next day, students marched through campus.  The sign below reads "Stop Ketter from Arming Security."

Students marching through campus carrying a sign that reads "Stop Ketter from Arming Security"Image ID: PA_4758_20A

Book Sale

Students at an outdoor book sale browse books on a table.Image ID: RG9-6-00-2_1974_27_002

Construction Continues

North Campus buildings under construction.  At center is a completed O'Brian Hall.  Also pictured at different stages of completion are Fronczak, Cooke, Hochstetter, Baldy and Bell Halls

Image ID: PA_4700_18

The completed O'Brian Hall stands to the north of the center of this photo.  Other buildings at various stages of completion include Cooke, Hochstetter, Fronczak, Baldy and Bell Halls.

Top 10s

Albums* Movies**
1. Red - King Crimson 1. Blazing Saddles
2. On the Beach - Neil Young 2. Towering Inferno
3. Lamb Lies Down on Broadway - Genesis 3. The Trial of Billy Jack
4. Crime of the Century - Supertramp 4. Young Frankenstein
5. Rock Bottom - Robert Wyatt 5. Earthquake
6. Court and Spark - Joni Mitchell 6. The Godfather: Part II
7. Sheer Heart Attack - Queen 7. Airport 1975
8. Here Come the Warm Jets -  Brian Eno 8. The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams
9. Diamond Dogs - David Bowie 9. The Longest Yard
10. A Tabua de Esmeralde - Jorge Ben 10. Murder on the Orient Express

* According to

** Based on box office gross.

Sidewalk Circus

UB students watching a clown juggling

Image ID: RG9-9-00-3_24_78_1974_p11 (1)

On April 19. 1974, the Royal Lichtenstein Quarter-Ring Sidewalk Circus performed near the fountain outside Norton Union.  They were self-described as being the "smallest circus, from the smallest country, performed by men with the smallest minds." 


Students are seated in rows on the floor pf the Memorial Auditorium while family and friends are seated in the stands.Image ID: PA_4990_10A

On May 21, 1974, the General Commencement took place in the War Memorial Auditorium.  This was the second year the university's schools held separate commencements and a variety of venues were used.