Delivery+ Support: Request a Book
Textbook Requests
- Textbooks may be requested using Delivery+, but it is highly unlikely that we will be able to obtain a copy.
- If a textbook is available on Course Reserve, your Delivery+ request will be canceled.
- If the textbook you need is required for your course, we advise you to obtain it using other means.
Requesting Books
Using the Delivery+ service you may request books or other physical items, such as DVDs. If UB owns the material, we will pull it from our shelves and make it available to you. If we do not own the item, we will request it on your behalf from a partner institution.
Books are made available for pick up at a location on campus of your choosing, or can be shipped directly to you at no cost.
View the step-by-step instructions below for directions on how to request a book.
Step by Step Instructions
From the library homepage, search in the "Everything" search box.
If prompted, login to your library account with your UBIT name and password.
Identify the book you'd like in the search results by looking at the publication information found below the title. Click on the title. This will open the item's page.
If UB owns the book, you will see a section titled "Get It.". There are options for "Delivery+ Book/Media Request" and "Delivery+ Book Chapter Request." If you want to receive the entire, physical book, select "Delivery+ Book/Media Request."
Below the "Get It" section is the location(s) where the UB-owned copy can be found, and a status of whether it is available.
Clicking on the "Delivery+ Book/Media Request" will open a request menu. You will need to choose a pick up location.
You will see a number of pickup and delivery options in the drop down menu. These include in-library pickup at Abbott and Lockwood Libraries, locker pickup at Capen, Lockwood, and Diefendorf Halls, and personal delivery options. An explanation of each option can be found on this guide. Choose your location and hit "Send Request."
When your request is successfully sent, you will see a confirmation message.
If UB does not own the item you are searching for the layout of the screen looks slightly different. You will see a "How to Get It" section instead of a list of locations and the "Get It" section. In this instance, simply click the "Delivery+ Book/Media" request link.
Clicking on this option will open SUNY Request menu with the pickup locations at the bottom. The drop down menu options are the same.
Step by Step Instructions
From the library homepage, click on My Account in the upper right-hand corner.
You will be redirected to a Login Page. Click "Login."
Once you login with your UB credentials you will be directed to your My Account landing page. Click on the "Delivery+ Requests" link in the upper left-hand corner.
Choose "Submit Request."
On this page, you will see a number of request type options. Click on "Book."
Fill out the manual form by providing as much information as possible. Hit submit when you are finished.
Some helpful hints:
- ISBN: always add an ISBN if possible. It will speed up the processing of your request and ensure you get the exact edition of the book you want.
- Accept Alternate Edition: this field is automatically set to yes. If you do not want a different edition, toggle it to no otherwise you may be given a different version of the book.
- Not Wanted After: this field refers to a date in the future in which the book would no longer be needed. For example, if you have a paper due in 2 weeks but we are not able to obtain a copy of the book for three weeks, you may no longer want the book. This date has no bearing on how quickly your request is processed.
- Delivery Location: you may choose from a number of on-campus or personal delivery options. For a full explanation of pick up options, please see our detailed guide.
- Notes: many requests, especially those with an ISBN or other specific identifying information, are processed automatically in order to expedite your request. In this case, notes may not be seen. For specific requests, email with your transaction number (TN) after placing the request.