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Delivery+ Support: Request a Journal Article

Last Updated: Jul 18, 2024 11:26 AM

Know the DOI?

If you know the DOI of the article you'd like to request you can quickly submit a request by heading to your library account, placing a manual request (see instructions to the right) and using the "DOI Resolver." The DOI Resolver saves you time by using the DOI to automatically fill in required fields. All you need to do is copy/paste and hit submit.

Image of DOI Resolver

Requesting Journal Articles

Placing your request: Using the Delivery+ service you may request journal articles. If UB owns the article we will get it from our library and send it to you electronically. If we do not own the item, we will request it on your behalf from a partner institution. View the step-by-step instructions below for directions on how to request a book chapter via the library catalog or manually via your library account

Receiving your request: The scan will be delivered electronically as a PDF to your library account. You will then receive an email with a link to the PDF. The PDF will be saved on our servers for 30 days. During this time you can view, download, and save the article. After 30 days the link will become inactive and the request will be considered finished. If you did not save the article to your computer during this time you will need to place another request.

Step by Step Instructions

On the library's home page, search for the article you are interested in. Enter your UB credentials to log in if prompted.
Image of searching using the everything search box


If you do not see any results that match your search, click the "My Account" button in the upper right-hand corner. Alternately, you can go directly to this button from the library home page instead of searching.
Image of search with no matching results


Login if prompted.
Image showing login to my account page


Choose "Delivery+ Requests" in the upper left-hand corner.
Image of location of Delivery+ Request button on My Account page

Choose "Submit Request."

Image of submit request link


Choose "Journal Article."
Image of journal article request link

Fill out mandatory fields in the Journal Article Request form and hit submit. Mandatory fields include the name, volume, and issue of the journal, as well as the title, author, and pages of the specific article you are looking for.
Imge of Journal Article Request form

Some helpful hints:

  1. DOI: if you know the DOI of your article, enter it and hit "resolve" to have all of the fields auto-populated.
  2. ISSN: always add an ISSN if possible. It will speed up the processing of your request.
  3. Notes: please note that if you are looking for supplementary information you should not enter it in the notes field. Instead you should enter it in the article title or pages fields. To expedite requests, most are automatically processed, which means a staff member does not view the notes unless we are unable to fill the article via automated means.


Image of journal article request form with indication to specific fields